Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The History and Development of Psychology essays
The History and Development of Psychology essays Psychology has evolved through the years as the face of society and culture has changed. As the worlds population grows so do the boundaries by which the science of psychology is growing. It is an adventure of the mind that compels one to want to study the human psyche. These studies have produced thousands of publications over the past three hundred years. Many of which we can still find in publication today. Not only are some of the literary works still in publication, but also many of the theories have remained without much change. We have entered into a world of experimentation. One that allows us to research and study animal behaviors. These experiments are regulated, however, there are many different opinions as to how they should be regulated and if they are enough. Who determines these regulations? It must be up to the scholars, leaders and our society. Without studies, advancements would not be found. Where do these psychologist go? You see them in many forms. In the early days, they were educators of psychology, scientists and researchers. Now, they are clinical psychologists, school psychologists, and industrial psychologists and yes, many are still educators, scientists and researchers. Their work is tireless, valued and tested each day. Some areas have broadened and opened up the eyes of many young scholars. Where is psychology going? We can only assume with the psychology of yesterday and today that we will delve into a new realm of the psychological world. It is one of great interest. Not all can understand this interest but many are intrigued by psychology. ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Pronouncing Spanish Vowels
Pronouncing Spanish Vowels English speakers generally find the pronunciation of Spanish vowels fairly easy. Close approximations of all their sounds exist in English, and, with the exception of the E and the sometimes silent U, each of the vowels has basically one sound. The main thing to keep in mind is that in Spanish the vowels sounds are generally more distinct than they are in English. In English, any vowel can be represented by whats known as the schwa, an unstressed vowel sound such as the a in about, the ai in mountain, and the u in pablum. But in Spanish, such an indistinct sound isnt used. Although, as in most languages, the sounds of the vowels can vary slightly with the letters before and after them, in general the sound remains the same regardless of the word its in. Pronouncing the 5 Vowels First, the more or less invariable sounds: A is pronounced similarly to the a in father or the o in loft. Examples: madre, ambos, mapa. There are some speakers who sometimes pronounce the a something halfway between the a in father and the a in mat, but in most areas the first sound given is standard. See also the lesson on pronouncing the . I is pronounced similarly to the ee in feet and the e in me, although usually a little briefer. Examples: finca, timbre, mi. This letter is covered in more detail in the lesson on pronouncing the i. O is pronounced like the oa in boat or the o in bone, although usually a little briefer. Example: telà ©fono, amo, foco. See the lesson on pronouncing the o for more information. Now, the two vowels whose sound can change: E is generally pronounced like the e in met when it is at the beginning or within a word. It is pronounced similarly to the Canadian eh, kind of a shortened version of the à © in the English cafà ©, when it is at the end of the word. Sometimes it can be somewhere between those two sounds. Its not quite the sound of the English letter A, which if pronounced slowly often has an ee sound at the end, but closer to the e of met. Keep in mind that even when its at the end of the word, in a sentence it may sound more like the e of met. For example, in a phrase such as de vez en cuando, each e has approximately the same sound. Examples: cafà ©, compadre, embarcar, enero. See also the lesson on pronouncing the e. U is generally pronounced like the oo in boot or the u in tune. Do not pronounced it like the u in uniform. Examples: universo, reunià ³n, unidos. In the combinations gui and gue, as well as after q, the u is silent. Examples: guà a, guerra, quizs. If the u should be pronounce d between a g and i or e, an umlaut (also called a dieresis) is placed over it. Examples: vergà ¼enza, lingà ¼ista. This letter is covered in more detail in the lesson on pronouncing the u. Diphthongs and Triphthongs As in English, two or three vowels in Spanish can blend together to form a sound. The sound is basically the sound of the two or three vowels rapidly pronounced. For example, the u when followed by an a, e, i or o ends up sounding something like the w in water. Examples: cuaderno, cuerpo, cuota. The ai combination sounds something like the sound of eye. Examples: hay, airear. The i when followed by an a, e or u sounds kind of like the y in yellow.: hierba, bien, siete. And other combinations are possible as well: miau, Uruguay, caudillo. Pronouncing Y Generally, the y is pronounced the same as it would be if it were an i, as part of a diphthong. Examples: rey, soy, yacer. Some words that are derived from English and have a y at the end often retain the English pronunciation. For example, in popular songs you may hear words such as sexy and phrases such as oh baby. This letter is covered in more detail in the lesson on pronouncing the y.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 15
Finance - Essay Example Note: The category ‘Economic inactivity’ includes all people who are not in paid employment or actively looking for a job, while ‘Unemployed’ only includes people actively looking for a job and available to work in the next two weeks (the standard definition of unemployment). ‘Total population’ refers to people living in private households (i.e. not in residential care homes, community centres or prisons). The government decisions that can affect the flow of cash from both households and corporate is Fiscal and Monetary Policies which includes, the taxation which is interest rates and the government spending(Riley 2012) The money that flow to the government includes, savings, payments made to the government, and the taxes. The types of taxes that are paid to the government include, council tax1, taxes on income , National Savings & Investments savings, and government bonds, while payments to government includes, rents paid for living in buildings own by the government(Vivienne Brown and Alan Shipman). If government decides to increase taxes, it means that the money flowing to the households will go done while money flowing to the government will go up. Furthermore, if the government reduces the money which is going towards the citizen then it means that the money flowing towards the households will go down. The amount of money that flows from households to corporate includes payments to financial institutions, and spending on services and goods. Spending on services and goods include, money used on foods, leisure, rent, purchase of financial product, clothing and repayment of debts among others. Money that flows from corporations includes loans and incomes, for example salary and dividends. The government can affect this flow of money from households to corporations and vice versa by coming up with monetary policy, and depending where its leaning to then money would flow towards that direction. For
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Evolution of Family Law in an Ever Changing Society Essay
Evolution of Family Law in an Ever Changing Society - Essay Example Most writers and philosophers argue that family law has evolved to suit modern society and still has to further evolve in the future generations to come. Family law deals with what are highly emotional issues objectively and legally. Despite the strength of emotion involved in many family law cases, justice must still be served to each party. Society grows with time and circumstances and as it achieves growth it must attain development as well. Laws regarding family life have been in place since a long time amidst the growth of a number of civilizations and kingdoms around the world and with time, these laws have been witnessing changes and amendments because what might have been accepted yesterday may not be taken well with the general public today. In yesteryears, it was considered fine for a man to have a number of wives in ancient societies of Greece and the Middle East. Today however, this concept has undergone a certain amount of change keeping in mind the views and aspirations of women. Polygamy might still be accepted but must follow certain rules in order to be in place. In the olden times, it was enough for the older people in the family to lay down the rules to be obeyed by the younger generations. Couples tend to seek legal advice prior to their marriage in order to understand their financial and educational situations and whether or not they are equipped to start a family. In earlier days, arranged marriages were more common where the parents of the newlyweds to be would meet and discuss legal matters in terms of sharing child custody, sharing finances and ownership of assets. These terms were usually negotiated with the groom’s side gaining more than the bride. However, as society evolved, so did the concept of marriage. Today, marriage is seen as a celebration of two individuals and not just their families. It is important for the man and woman themselves to seek legal advice and come to terms with each other’s assets and liabilities. They must have a clean slate in order to proceed with the terms of marriage as it is seen as a contract after all. New rules of negotiation involve both parties acceding their assets and liabilities to each other. In todayâ€℠¢s world, most of the times women still hold on to their apartments
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Vagueness, Ambiguity, and Clarity in Writing Essay Example for Free
Vagueness, Ambiguity, and Clarity in Writing Essay Example 2: I was thrown from my truck as it left the road. I was later found in a ditch by a flock of wild turkeys. The vagueness about this sentence is it is not clear as to who was thrown from the truck you do not know what the writer meant. The second portion of the sentence is unclear on whether the wild turkeys are in the ditch the person is lying in or were they alongside the ditch the person was lying in. Example 3: Next Sunday a collection will be taken to help with the cost of the new altar. Anyone wanting to help to do something on the new altar can step forward and let the committee know. It is unclear actually what is being collected is it a collection of money or names in a basket to be called upon. Asking if anyone wants to do something to help on the new altar. The writer does not make it clear just what is being asked of what the â€Å"something†is on the new altar. These sentences are vague and ambiguous because it leaves too many ways that you could interpret the writers’ intent. Both vagueness and ambiguity is influenced in the understanding of these sentences because anyone could misunderstand what the writer is saying. As a writer, you must make very sure you get your ideas across clearly. The relationship between critical thinking and clear writing is that you first need to know actually what you want to say before you write it. Also you need to make sure that the research and information is accurate.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Effects of Technology on Students Essay -- Education Teaching
The Effects of Technology on Students Change is constant. Though one may not be able to see the change, one can look back through the course of a year or maybe even a few months and see the change. Technology has transformed with our culture. There are many benefits for students with the new advancements of technology. Teachers have seen many of these benefits with the influence of technology on their students. Many students find a sense of accomplishment when working with technology. Students are now more willing to write and work on computational skills (Estey). Then students find these tasks appealing and are able to achieve more. Another area that technology has impacted is the expansion of the learning environment. It allows students access to primary source material they could not otherwise see, information they could not otherwise find, places they could not otherwise go, and different opportunities for collaboration and team learning they otherwise could not have (Miller 44). Students who have disabilities or transportation problems benefit from this technology. Students are able to do research from their home rather than going to the library. Pages of information can be available to students from across the nation with just a few clicks of the mouse. Students in a Chicago suburban elementary school recently used technology to explore the history of Ice Age animals in Illinois. Using the Internet, they â€Å"traveled†to the Illinois Sate Museum (200 miles away) and the Brookfield Zoo (10 miles away) to gather information and talk with experts via two-way video. The students constructed an electronic database to organize and analyze their information and shared their findings with students outside ... ...e should use these gifts because in the Bible, I Peter 4:5 reads, â€Å"Each on should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully, administering God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ.†Works Cited Miller, Steven E. â€Å"Technology: what’s it good for?†Learning and Leading with Technology 28 (2001): 42-5. Estey, Carolyn. â€Å"Technology and Education Reform: Technical Research Report.†2001 U.S. Department of Education. 10 November 2002 http://www.ed.gov/pubs/SER/Technology/ch.9.html â€Å"Networked Classrooms of the Future: An Economic Perspective.†March 2001. http://www.cnets.iste.org. 24 November 2002.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
‘Of Mice and Men’ Analysis Essay
Steinbeck presents some of his characters as being weak in some way. But the characters I think that are even weaker than the other characters are Crooks and Candy. They both are weak in many ways but they are also similar in some ways. Crooks, who is weaker of the two, is a black and a stable buck. He is weak in many ways. Firstly, he is the only black man in the ranch which would make him isolated. This means he can’t go into the bunkhouse or socialise with the other men. Because of this he is very lonely and has no one to talk to. â€Å"S’pose you didn’t have nobody. S’pose you couldn’t go into the bunk house and play rummy ’cause you were black†¦A guy needs somebody-to be near him†¦.I tell ya a guy gets too lonely an’ he gets sick.†He is always called the â€Å"nigger†by the men and he receives a huge amount of insults and racism most of the time. A good example of this is when Curley’s wife calls him a â€Å"nigger†and tells him â€Å"You know what I could do†which would make anyone weak and inferior to others. Secondly, he is also weaker in his physical state. This is because he has injured his back in an accident and gives his back a constant pain; â€Å"Got a crooked back where a horse kicked him.†However, Crooks has also some strengths such as, he is intelligent because he has a numerous books, beats everyone on the ranch playing horseshoes and makes an attempt to stand up against Curley’s wife racist threat. But his strengths and abilities are covered up and blinded by his weakness. Candy, the oldest man on the ranch, has lost his right hand in an accident at work. He also has many weaknesses. Firstly, being old and disabled is a massive weakness for him because he knows one day he will be thrown out the ranch put â€Å"on the county†when he is too old to work. The reader understands this when he compares himself to his dog who get shot by Carlson; â€Å"Jus’ as soon as I can’t swamp out no bunk houses they’ll put me on the county.†Secondly, he is also lonely and isolated like crooks because he doesn’t have any friends other than his dog who dies when it get by shot Carlson. A good example of this is when the all men has gone to the town; Candy comes looking for companionship and a conversation in Crooks’ room where he obviously have never been in. â€Å"You got a nice cosy little place in here†¦Must be nice to have a room all to yourself this way.†Candy also have some strengths such as, when tries to defend Crooks from Curley’s wife threat and tries to stop his dog been shot. But all the time he fails which means also his strengths are overtaken by his weakness like Crooks. In conclusion, the both characters have some similarities such as, their physical weakness and the amount of the social interaction they get for various different reasons. They also have some similar strengths but again they are overshadowed by their weaknesses.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Consider the role of Iago in act III scene 3 and show how Shakespeare portrays Iago, and the effect he has on Othello
Iago is one of Shakespeare's most unforgettable desperados. In Act III scene 3 Iago's feelings are driven by a passion of such intense strength that, even though we might understand his motives, it is difficult to feel that anything other than pure evil could compel him to such extremes of behaviour as a result. We also see Iago taking a powerful, sadistic delight in the damage which he causes throughout the scene, and how he has a cancerous effect on Othello and his relationship with Desdemona. Iago manipulates the perceptions of other characters with great skill, using lies which contain sufficient truth. He is an opportunist, and takes advantage of anything. ‘Ha! I like not that.' Iago plants a seed of guilt, which he nurtures throughout the scene. He advocates that the figure he has seen leaving cannot be Cassio, because he is a respectable and worthy man who would not stoop to such a sneaking and fraudulent kind of behaviour. By suggesting that an action, which might seem innocent, may in reality conceal something altogether more suspicious, Iago cleverly hints that Cassio has a guilty conscience. The effectiveness of the compound word ‘guilty-like' used by Iago puts an element of doubtfulness and apprehension in Othello. At the beginning of the scene there is an open, playful, loving relationship between Othello and Desdemona: ‘Tis as I should entreat you wear gloves, Or feed on nourishing dishes, or keep you warm,' This flirtatious discussion is the last time we see love and contentment between Othello and Desdemona. ‘Excellent Wretch' This is Othello's last statement of happiness. The words show an eternal world of love and lust; Othello loves Desdemona deeply. From that moment on Othello suffers a torment of jealousy; his happiness is being ate away by the covetousness seed that Iago has planted. Iago is a fine judge of character: he knows what people like and what makes people irritated and infuriated. ‘Did Michael Cassio, When you wooed my lady, know of your love?' Iago is prodding Othello. He is not giving him a straight answer, and this deeply exasperates and annoys Othello. Iago uses good tactics to form a sense of culpability and doubt in Othello. Iago's hesitations frighten Othello. In a performance of this scene, the actor playing Iago should put prominence and emphasis on ‘think' as this would create an impression of guilt. ‘Men Should be what they seem' This statement is ironic. If Iago was what he seemed he would be good, trustworthy and loyal, but he is not. He is iniquitous and impious. He is able to put on false front. Iago is a consummate dissembler. Iago has now begun to plant a seed of hesitation and uncertainty in Othello. ‘As where's that palace, whereinto foul things Sometimes intrude not?' Iago articulates how the purest spirit may still endure from foul things. This echoes exactly what is happening in this scene. Iago is pouring his foul, evil poison into the mind of Othello. This causes Othello to doubt what is really happening. No matter how many dreadful things Iago says, Othello is left with the abiding belief that he knows more terrible things than he has been told and is trying to diminish the upset because of his honest friendship and regard for him: ‘Though I perchance am vicious in my guess†¦' Iago again uses the extremely effective tool of appearing to be very reluctant in speaking ill of others whereas at the same time managing to advocate that he knows much more which would cause distress to Othello if he were to know the truth ‘Who steals my purse, steals trash; 'tis something, nothing; ‘Twas mine, 'tis his, and has been slave to thousands: But he that filches from me my good name Robs me of that which not enriches him And makes me poor indeed.' Here we see the effect Iago has had on Othello. Iago has threatened Othello in his most defenceless area: his reputation. Iago is very dexterous. He tells Othello that his reputation is everything. This is the opposite of what he said to Cassio, telling him that his status was not everything. Iago then ingeniously tells Othello to be aware of being jealous, to hide his jealousy. This cunningly plants the thought of being covetous in his mind. Iago is again taunting Othello. He is building up his heat-oppressed mind. ‘Thou dost conspire against thy friend, Iago,' Othello knows that Iago is keeping something terrible from him. Shakespeare uses dramatic irony. Othello says that Iago is plotting against him by not telling him his thoughts, but Iago is telling Othello his thoughts whilst at the same time plotting against him. Iago is getting Othello emotionally prepared for what he is planning to inform him. Iago uses good psychology by keeping Othello at a distance by not expressing his thoughts to him. ‘Ha!' Othello's short, sharp speeches portray the effect Iago has had on him, emotionally. It shows the state of mind that Iago has reduced Othello to. Othello has been emotionally reduced. This shows that Iago is gaining the ascendancy. The roles have swapped. Iago is now the more dominant of the two. Iago introduces the word ‘cuckold'. He explains to Othello that it is better to know Desdemona is having an affair compared to not knowing and the torment of a man who is infatuated but insecure, who suspects his wife but continues to love and adore. Iago is again taunting Othello. He is purposely building up an element of doubt and suspicion in Othello. At this point Iago assumes he has convinced Othello that Desdemona is having an affair with Cassio, but things go wrong. Othello tells Iago that he is not going to doubt Desdemona until he sees it and therefore if he does, Othello can then prove that Desdemona is disloyal and unfaithful. For a short period of time this throws Iago off track. Up until now Iago has just dropped hints. This has not worked to his best advantage. Now he becomes much more direct and focused and attempts an innovative, diverse approach. Although we condemn and depreciate Iago's malevolence, it is very difficult for us not to admire his skill and creativity. ‘I speak not yet of proof†¦ Look to your wife, observe her with Cassio' Iago skilfully twists his words so that the fact of Desdemona's deceitfulness and dishonesty appears not to be in question. Iago tells Othello of his innocence and ingenuity of Venetian customs. ‘I know our country disposition well' This further persuades Othello to believe his lies by pointing out how Desdemona has already deceived her father in marrying him. This echoes Brabantio's final words in Act I scene 3. ‘She had deceived her father, and may thee.' Iago reminds Othello this at the best possible time, when he is feeling at his most vulnerable. Iago tells Othello how Desdemona is exceptionally good at deceiving people, as she did it to her own father. This is also ironic as Iago is a skilled dissembler, and yet is accusing Desdemona of also being a consummate dissembler. Othello is reduced to single utterances, which show he is losing confidence and has something on his mind. It shows the impact Iago is having on him. Again, it illustrates to us that Iago is now the much more dominant of the two and is gaining control. Othello's diminutive answers show he is reading into what Iago is saying. This also emphasizes our sense of Othello's significant theatrical status as an ‘outsider', someone so unfamiliar with the Venetian customs and society that Iago's lies will seem conceivable, and who will accept as true the suggestion that all Venetian women routinely commit treachery and betrayal. Iago is not only an expert at manipulating people, but also at manipulating words. ‘I think she's honest' Iago ingeniously picks up on words and fills them with hesitation and doubt. Othello reacts to this by leaving the stage. This shows us that the poison, which Iago planted, is now spreading. Iago has a cancerous effect on him. Iago then continues to provoke uncertainty and suspicion in Othello by putting forward the idea that it was un-natural in Desdemona for choosing Othello. She refused proposals from men who were from her own country, men of the same race, and in the same rank as her, and she chose Othello instead. Iago takes a risk. He implies that Desdemona is un-natural and lustful, as she has chosen someone older than her and someone not of the same race. We can see the dramatic impact Iago has had on Othello. In Act III Scene 3, Othello is bursting with love for Desdemona ‘ Excellent Wretch!' Now Othello is asking himself ‘Why did I marry?' This shows how successful Iago has been bringing down Othello's happiness. He has taken his height of happiness and filled it with covetousness, distrust and jealousy. Iago has done all this without any proof, which shows that he is a brilliant operator. He has taken Desdemona's goodness and corrupted it into a vice of loyalty. Iago has a deep knowledge of the human psyche and is smartly and ingeniously able to manipulate feelings- for his benefit. Iago has convinced Othello that Desdemona has committed adultery because of his race and because he does not have a smooth engaging conversation like some other men have. ‘This fellow's of exceeding honesty' This is the first soliloquy given to Othello. This allows us to see the inner workings of Othello, which have been unable to be seen until now. The correspondence between the outward appearance and inner reality begins to break down. Othello dwells upon what he has come to see as his deficiencies in the eyes of others. Desdemona may well see him as a black man and who has few civilised graces of more sophisticated men. Desdemona enters and is concerned her husband is not well. Othello is unwell, but not in the way Desdemona thinks, for he is sick of spirit, not of body. Othello has convinced himself he's been ‘abused' and his only relief is to despise her. There is a total contrast between the contentment and delight in Desdemona and the tormented and tortured soul of Othello. Iago mentions the prospect of providing Othello with ‘proof'. Yet in no circumstances proof has been impending, and still Iago is able to skilfully able to compose characters to act and feel guilt and suspicion to act with certain proof on many occasions. Iago sees innocent things and turns them into acts of guilt and causes suspicion in people. This allows him to move the criteria for Desdemona's remorse and guilt onto such a modest thing as a handkerchief. ‘I will in Cassio's lodging lose this napkin, And let him find it.' In Iago's soliloquy he reveals the key to his success, in proving that Desdemona's adultery is in no doubt. It is Othello's weakness, which will bring out his destruction. ‘The mines of sulphur' This gives us the image of hellfire. Iago is often connected with the powers of hell, evil and torture. Othello re-enters. This shows he is confused and has a perplexed state of mind. ‘I slept the night well, was free and merry; I found not Cassio's kisses on her lips.' Iago obtains a sinister, evil, malicious enjoyment from the torture and torment he has caused Othello. He has turned the loyal Othello into a confused, eager man who has been totally consumed by jealousy and melancholy. Othello has been deduced. He says goodbye to a peaceful mind. The repetition of ‘farewell' shows the completeness of his loss. But the sad thing is he has lost nothing. Yet he does not know that. We see a human being rapidly destroyed by another human. Othello is declining and emotionally becoming bitter, almost approaching insanity. ‘I think my wife be honest, and think she is not, I think thou art just, and think thou art not' Othello is waving between suspicion and loyalty as he struggles with himself to determine the truth. In choosing between Desdemona and Iago, it is Othello's inability to accept his own potential for love and trust which destroys him. This is an important turning point for Othello. Othello's vision of himself and his wife excludes such compromise, and so when Iago offers Othello ‘proof' he is savage in the passion with which he believes her to be guilty. What we see here is evidence of Iago's mastery of intrigue and deception. ‘Give me a living reason, that she's disloyal.' Iago has put himself in an awkward situation. Iago's bombardment has an effect on Othello. He has awakened Othello's wrath and if he cannot support his suggestions of Desdemona's infidelity he will pay dearly for it. Othello is now desperate to be certain, that he seems almost keen to pounce upon Iago's account as true. This is ironic, as the roles of the characters are briefly changed, when Iago comments on Cassio speaking in his sleep. Othello is convinced of Desdemona's betrayal and Iago who is arguing in support for Cassio, ‘it was but his dream'. Othello has now overtaken Iago's plotting and sweeps the action along. Iago is unable to give Othello proof, so Iago cunningly makes proof sound dirty so that Othello will not ask any further questions. The image Iago paints in Othello's mind is repulsive, sordid and disgusting. Iago uses animal images to describe the action of Cassio and Desdemona together. This is significant as he is again reducing beauty to a disgusting act. He reduces the sex act to a bestial and foul level. ‘Do not rise yet.' Iago kneels with Othello as they swear a ‘sacred vow' to seek ‘black vengeance' against Desdemona and Cassio. As Iago's work on Othello begins to stoke up a furnace of jealousy and his sense of wronged honour, we see a change in Othello's behaviour. We also see how the language of Iago and Othello has been interchanged with the roles. Iago is now clearly the master in the relationship, as the villain speaks of vows to heaven. Othello, using language more appropriate to that of Iago, says of Desdemona: ‘Damn her, lewd minx'. His effectiveness as a character in the play rests upon the way he is seen differently by the other characters, who see loyalty, honesty and trustworthiness, and by the audience, who see a malevolent, who manipulates others with the intention of completely destroying them. Iago is portrayed as a self-admiring, vicious, weak, cruel and arrogant character that is only able to achieve his ends through the weakness of others. He is not merely a symbol of iniquity and malevolence, but is much more. The malign Iago turns Othello, from a noble, heroic, loving innocent man and destroys him. Iago falls prey to the same suspicion he generates in Othello and, through controlling the plot for most of the scene, moves Othello towards his cynical view of the world.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Stand By Me - Critical Evaluation essays
Stand By Me - Critical Evaluation essays I have just watched Stand By Me which is a film directed by Rob Reiner. It is about four boys who decide to go and find a dead body, so that they can tell the police about it and in turn be famous. The boys are called Gordie Lachance, Chris Chambers, Teddy Duchamp and Vern Tessio. On the way they encounter many adventures such as running from a train and sticking up for themselves with a gun. In this essay I will discuss how the filmmakers make the film interesting and enjoyable. Gordie, Chris, Teddy and Vern are best friends. When Vern overhears his brother and his friend talking about the dead body they have found, the four boys decide to go and look for it so that they can become famous. During the journey they meet many challenges, which test their friendship, like escaping from the Junkman and his dreaded dog Chopper. When they get to where the dead body is, after much decision they decide to phone the police anonymously. But when they get up to leave, Verns brother and his friends confront them. They want the body themselves so they can become famous. The younger boys end up standing up for themselves by threatening Ace and his friends with a gun. Gordie Lachance, who is played by Wil Wheaton, is quite imaginative, as he tells his friends stories throughout this film. He also likes to write stories. Gordie is also quite brave and sensible. We know this because he stood up for himself and his friends with a gun, but was not actually stupid enough to shoot Ace. He is also very good at giving advice as he gives Chris plenty during this film. For example, when Chris is feeling down because he believed that his future was inevitable for him and that he would never get out of the small town he grew up in, Gordie encouraged him and tells him that, whatever he wants to do, he can do, and just because his family hadnt bothered doing anything with their lives, it didnt mean that he has to be the same way...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Paying for Private School in Tough Times
Paying for Private School in Tough Times We all know that private school is expensive, and its not uncommon for parents to sometimes have trouble paying private school tuition. Dr. Wendy Weiner, Principal of Conservatory Prep Senior High in Davie, Florida answers some of the questions parents have and explains their options. 1. The major breadwinner in the family has been laid off. The family has one child in tenth grade at private school. They cannot afford to pay the next four months of tuition. What do you suggest they do? This is a phenomenon we are seeing more and more. Individuals with high paying jobs being laid off. First, go through your finances and determine your budget and what you can realistically afford for the next four months. Even if it is $200 per month, rather than $1,500. The economic situation, although may seem bleak, can turn around quickly and you may be wanting to place your child back at the school. Speak with the administration regarding your financial situation. Be up front and honest. Is there a service you can provide to the school for the next four months? Schools dont want to lose their students midway through the year, especially good students. 2. If parents have savings for college, should they use these funds to pay for private school tuition? I am asked this question regularly. What is most important is if your child is thriving in a particular school during the teen years, both academically and socially, dont move. I cant emphasize this enough. The high school years are very difficult and to find an environment where your child excels is very important. I have seen students placed in a large high school, feel very lost and not involved in activities and earn poor grades. The parents dont want to move him to a private school, because the money is being saved for college. However, if the child continues to earn low grades and does not develop extra-curricula interests, paying for college wont be a problem. Granting acceptance will be. The reality is that there are more scholarships available for colleges than for private high schools. Even with the turbulent economy, there are many options including scholarships and very low-interest loans for college. 3. Arent parents obliged by contract to pay tuition and other expenses? Yes. Parents sign a contract that they agree to pay tuition for the year. The schools count on this money to meet their expenses. The school is put in a very bad predicament when teachers are hired, leases are signed for buildings, etc. and then students do not fulfill their contracts. If you are not sure if you will be able to fulfill your contract, speak with the school about your concerns. Sometimes schools may put in provisions in the contract for special circumstances. 4. Cant parents go back to the school and renegotiate their financial aid package for the current year? Definitely. Schools are businesses and need students to survive. Often you can re-negotiate a new payment plan or financial aid package. The institution would rather receive some money to cover basic costs than ​to receive nothing. However, there are some students who drain the system with their needs. Be realistic with your expectations and your childs needs. 5. What advice can you offer parents who are looking at private school for the coming year? With all of the negative, there is a positive side. Private schools have been forced to up their game. Faculty who were not of the highest standards have been let go and programs which are of low quality have been cut from the budget. Schools know that parents have choices and are competing for each child. The schools have had to re-evaluate their own programs, curriculum and expectations. Those schools which are not able to offer a high standard of education will be closing, while those which are strong will flourish. Parents will find a higher quality of school at a fair price than they have known in the past. With budget cuts in the public schools, academic standards and expectations have been lowered, therefore making it difficult to obtain a publicly funded quality education.  Updated by Stacy Jagodowski
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Stereotypes contribute to prejudiced thinking Research Paper
Stereotypes contribute to prejudiced thinking - Research Paper Example On the other hand, prejudiced thinking is defined by Stangor ( 2000, 22) as â€Å"thinking ill of others without enough warrant†. Ferguson (2004) averred that prejudice is an â€Å"attitude toward the members of some group based solely on their membership in that group (can be positive or negative).†Stereotypes are therefore generalized and confined according to distinct characteristics of persons or members of certain groups. As such, stereotyping distorts perceptions of people since once these traits are activated; those are the ones that come immediately to one’s mind – without justified warrant. As averred by Ferguson (2004) â€Å"prejudice often involves stereotypes, suggesting that all members of a group behave in certain ways and have certain characteristics.†I believe that stereotyping, whether positive or negative are both harmful in such as way that they become â€Å"self-confirming†(Ferguson, 2004), confining and distorting; and affect social judgments we have of others. As such, even positive stereotypes could have true characteristics not revealed to those who generalized them. Therefore, whatever relationships or interactions one has would be distorted due to stereotyping, eventually leading to prejudice (even positive or negative). The ability of stereotyping to give illusionary impacts makes them harmful despite their positive
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