Sunday, May 24, 2020
A Short Note On External Mentorship For Employers
External Mentorship for Employers How to Begin as a Mentor To determine if you are ready as a mentor, the minimum requirements to establish a mentor and mentee relationship are: ïÆ'Ëœ Three or more years of professional experience in the related field of student study or industry that aligns with program learning outcomes ïÆ'Ëœ Expertise in any of the following areas: o Leadership o Communication Skills o Strategic Decision Making o Organization Skills o Resource Management How to Apply Complete the _______________________ form and send to: Marci Trevino, M.A. Internship and Mentorship Program Chair Business Development and Industry Relations Manager Fremont College 3440 Wilshire Blvd. 10th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90010 213-355-8083 Mentor Role ïÆ'Ëœ The mentor will take a personal professional interest in guiding, encouraging, and supporting the mentee ïÆ'Ëœ The mentor agrees to meet with the mentee once a month face-to-face ïÆ'Ëœ The mentor agrees to meet with the student once a week via phone, email or any other form of communication channel with a minimum of 10 minutes ïÆ'Ëœ Mentor on accomplishments, improvements, attitude and provide â€Å"emotional intelligence†guidance ïÆ'Ëœ The mentor and mentee will commit to the program for at least one month and anytime thereafter is between the employer and student Getting Started as a Mentor ïÆ'Ëœ Meet with the program chair ïÆ'Ëœ Schedule a time to meet with the student ïÆ'Ëœ Understand that this is a â€Å"learning environment†forShow MoreRelatedHuman Resource and Succession Planning4848 Words  | 20 Pages.............. 13 Recommendations.................................................................................. 15 Phase 1 - Immediate.............................................................................................. 15 Phase 2 – Short Term ........................................................................................... 16 Phase 3 – Medium Term....................................................................................... 16 References......................Read MoreHow Do Traditional Social Culture and Values Impact on Business Culture in Your Country? B. Evaluate the Strengths and Weaknesses of Your Own Company Culture Focusing on Leadership and Employee Behaviours, Organisation5531 Words  | 23 Pages............. PART I: How do traditional social culture and values impact on business culture in your country? 1. DEFINITIONS Culture is defined as a pattern of shared basic assumptions that was learned by a group as it solved its problems of external adaptation and internal integration, that has worked well enough to be considered valid and, therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way you perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems(Schein, 2004). Organisational CultureRead MorePersonal Development10144 Words  | 41 Pagesand values that they follow during their day to day activities. The learning could take place either through the conscious level or through the sub conscious level. But then the main learning would come in only when an individual interacts with the external environment and not just within the self. The learning process involves a cycle which involves 4 major processes: †¢ Concrete experience (trying to do something or having a prior experience) †¢ Reflection observation (reflecting on theRead MoreStrategic Human Resource Management View.Pdf Uploaded Successfully133347 Words  | 534 Pages......... 42 ETHICAL IMPLICATIONS OF EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES ............................................................. 56 NONTRADITIONAL INVESTMENT APPROACHES ......... 58 SUMMARY............................................................... 67 NOTES.................................................................... 74 STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Table of Contents SECTION TWO .............................................................. 93 The Human Resource Environment.......Read MoreLibrary Management204752 Words  | 820 Pages. . . 222 Recruitment and Hiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224 Filling Vacant Positions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 Attracting a Diverse Workforce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 Internal and External Applicants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227 Contents xi Matching the Applicant to the Position . . . . . . . . . . . . 228 The Selection Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 Interviewing the Candidate . . . Read MoreDebonairs Pizza Product-Market Expansion Growth Strategies27204 Words  | 109 PagesE-Mail: 6.4 FINANCE All queries relating to student accounts should be forwarded to: Head: Finance E-Mail: 6.4.1 Fee Payment Where a student has sponsorship in respect of financial support from an employer or any other sponsoring body in respect of fees, the student must supply proof of sponsorship at enrolment. The student, however, is ultimately responsible for all and any payment owing to MANCOSA in the case of default by the sponsor. Students canRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 Pages S A L Self-Assessment Library How Satisfied Am I with My Job? 70 CONTENTS ix S A L An Ethical Choice Do Employers Owe Workers More Satisfying Jobs? 74 glOBalization! Culture and Work–Life Balance 76 Self-Assessment Library Am I Engaged? 78 Myth or Science? â€Å"Favorable Job Attitudes Make Organizations More Profitable†83 Point/Counterpoint Employer–Employee Loyalty Is an Outdated Concept 87 Questions for Review 88 Experiential Exercise What Factors Are Most Important to YourRead MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words  | 862 Pagesorganizations. †¢ Trace the changes in theories about how managers should behave to motivate and control employees. †¢ Explain the contributions of management science to the efï ¬ cient use of organizational resources. †¢ Explain why the study of the external environment and its impact on an organization has become a central issue in management thought. 18 Jones−George: Contemporary Management, Fourth Edition I. Management 2. The Evolution of Management Thought  © The McGraw−Hill CompaniesRead MoreImpact of Globalization and Bangladesh18126 Words  | 73 PagesSPONSORING / MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION / AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT Over the past decades, globalization has now become a new world order, which virtually influences everything that comes in our mind. Developing countries like Bangladesh with vulnerable geopolitical locations and weak economies areRead MoreMedicare Policy Analysis447966 Words  | 1792 Pagesin health care spending, and for other purposes. 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- 2 tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 3 SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; TABLE OF DIVISIONS, TITLES, rmajette on DSK29S0YB1PROD with BILLS 4 5 AND SUBTITLES. (a) SHORT TITLE.â€â€This Act may be cited as the 6 ‘‘Affordable Health Care for America Act’’. VerDate Nov 24 2008 12:56 Oct 30, 2009 Jkt 089200 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 6652 Sfmt 6201
Monday, May 18, 2020
Biodiversity Planners Should For Tourism Operators
†¢ Biodiversity planners should, with tourism operators, prepare tourists before they arrive at sensitive locations, by providing introductory information, environmental guidelines, etc. on the people and ecosystems to be visited in pre- departure packages (including use of the Internet), en route brie ng and even on †¢ Similarly, biodiversity planners should ensure that they provide appropriate â€Å"biodiversity†materials for use in public sector environmental education and ecological awareness (including tourists, the tourist industry and the local †¢ Help to prepare tour guides working in natural areas, so that they know how to handle and educate tourists. Teaching of environmental sciences, local culture, interpretative skills, foreign languages, and rst-aid are particularly important. †¢ Generate an emotional and spiritual connection for the visitor. Community members working as greeters and interpreters can go a long way to inspiring visitors to act responsibly, and help visitors to better enjoy and value the †¢ Distribute pamphlets at key entrance and distribution areas (hotels, airports, petrol stations, etc.), not only at the destination site. All information material should include a section on local regulations, threats to local biodiversity, and required tourist behavior (including respect for local cultures). †¢ Avoid introduction of alien species, both vegetable and animal, by informing tourists of the severe threat this creates for protected areas andShow MoreRelatedSocio-Cultural Impact of Eco-Tourism3151 Words  | 13 PagesSocio-cultural Impact of Eco-Tourism Dr. Anjani Kumar Abstract Ecotourism is entirely a new approach in tourism. Born in its current form in late 1980s, ecotourism came of in age in 2002, when the United Nations celebrated the â€Å"International year of Ecotourism. Today’s market place is becoming greener and more environmentally sensitive than ever, with 85 percent of the industrialized world does citizen believe that the environment is the number one publicRead MoreFasting Feasting18686 Words  | 75 PagesSyllabus Cambridge International A AS Level Travel and Tourism Syllabus code 9395 For examination in June and November 2013 Contents Cambridge International A AS Level Travel and Tourism Syllabus code 9395 1. Introduction ..................................................................................... 2 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Why choose Cambridge? Why choose Cambridge International A AS Level Travel and Tourism? Cambridge Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) HowRead MoreHeritage Notation Assessment4283 Words  | 18 Pagesattractions support tourism and reinforce long-term growth. The rarity and authenticity provided by heritage properties cannot be replicated or built elsewhere. Individuals †¢ Data suggests heritage properties can attract higher resale values. Premium prices attracted by heritage character and listings can also carry-on to neighbouring properties. †¢ It confirms a heritage status that is a source of pride for many people. This status can be very useful for commercial operators in their advertisingRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pagesworld, as well as the contrasts in urban design and living conditions between different sorts of political regimes communist, capitalist, colonial, and fascist. Particularly revealing are Spodek’s discussions of the influence of prominent urban planners and architects including Le Corbusier and the Chicago Schoolâ€â€urban preservation and the city as the locus of global cultural development, and the ways in which slums and shanty towns have morphed into long-term homes and viable communities for
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Rockefeller Drug Laws Americas War on Drugs a War...
Since the Rockefeller Drug Laws were passed in 1973 under Governor Nelson Rockefeller, New York State has had the harshest sentencing for low-level, non-violent drug offenders of any other state in the nation. Under these laws, those convicted of drug offenses face the same penalties as those convicted of murder, and harsher penalties that those convicted of rape. (Sullum, 1) Though the laws were first enacted to curb the late-1960s-early-1970s psychedelic drug epidemic, New Yorks drug problem in fact worsened in the 1980s with the use of stimulants, and thus the laws were reformed to be less lenient. These unforgiving laws, which place enormous minimum sentences for drug-sale convictions, prove to be ineffective and expensive and have†¦show more content†¦The Republican-dominated Senate is reluctant to offer lenient sentencing as a way to reduce prison overpopulation. Senator Dale M. Volker, a Republican from Depew, NY, said the question is one of law and order. We just have to be careful that we dont allow dangerous criminals to walk into the community on a regular basis (Lyall, 2) The Republicans are cautious about relying on community drug treatment programs and other alternatives to incarceration even though it is proven that alcoholism and addiction are diseases, which is why they should be addressed as health issues rather than criminal justice issues. And while imprisonment only removes a symptom, it does not cure the problem. New York, one of the capitalist centers of America, is assumed to be a state that loves money. If this is true, then why is New York willing to waste millions, soon to be billions, of dollars investing in trying to fix something knowing that the problem will only cycle? Other states have begun to introduce the rehabilitation reforms into their communities and have already begun to reap the benefits. â€Å"In Arizona, taxpayers saved 2.6 million dollars in the first year after legislation passed mandating drug treatment instead of prison for non-violent drug offenders.†(Population, 3) This trend should have swept the nation by now; New York should have already learned fromShow MoreRelatedPropaganda by Edward L Bernays34079 Words  | 137 Pagesopinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, o ur minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothlyRead MoreImpact of Science on Society38427 Words  | 154 Pagesmajor impact on society, and their impact is growing. By drastically changing our means of communication, the way we work, our housing, clothes, and food, our methods of transportation, and, indeed, even the length and quality of life itself, science has generated changes in the moral values and basic philosophies of mankind. Beginning with the plow, science has changed how we live and what we believe. By making life easier, science has given man the chance to pursue societal concerns such as ethics,Read MoreImpact of Science on Society38421 Words  | 154 Pagesmajor impact on society, and their impact is growing. By drastically changi ng our means of communication, the way we work, our housing, clothes, and food, our methods of transportation, and, indeed, even the length and quality of life itself, science has generated changes in the moral values and basic philosophies of mankind. Beginning with the plow, science has changed how we live and what we believe. By making life easier, science has given man the chance to pursue societal concerns such as ethics,Read MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words  | 1056 PagesCommunication Skills 26 ETHICAL ISSUES IN HRM: Invasion of Privacy? 9 WORKPLACE ISSUES: We Are Now Entering the Blogosphere 10 Workforce Diversity 10 The Workforce Today 10 DID YOU KNOW?: Chief Diversity Officer 11 How Diversity Affects HRM 11 WORKPLACE ISSUES: Diversity Awareness 12 What Is a Work/Life Balance? 12 DID YOU KNOW?: Looking at the Future of HRM 13 DID YOU KNOW?: International Diversity 14 The Labor Supply 14 Do We Have a Shortage of Skilled Labor? 14 Why Do Organizations Lay Off Employees duringRead MoreHbr When Your Core Business Is Dying74686 Words  | 299 PagesCharles Spinosa 90 The Leadership Team: Complementary Strengths or Conï ¬â€šicting Agendas? Stephen A. Miles and Michael D. Watkins 100 Avoiding Integrity Land Mines Ben W. Heineman, Jr. 20 33 FORETHOUGHT HBR CASE STUDY Why Didn t We Know? Ralph Hasson 45 FIRST PERSON Preparing for the Perfect Product Launch THOU SHALT †¦page 58 James P. Hackett 111 TOOL KIT The Process Audit Michael Hammer 124 BEST PRACTICE Human Due Diligence David Harding and Ted Rouse Read MoreLibrary Management204752 Words  | 820 PagesDevelopment . . . . . Figure 18.1. With Cybernetics, an Organization Can Provide Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 18.2. Communication Is Key to a Feedback Control System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 18.3. PERT Diagram Shows the Planned Schedule of a Task, in Graphic Format, of a Two-Path Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 18.4. A Four-Path PERT Diagram Can Be Used to Illustrate the Critical Paths of Complex, Multipart Projects
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Analyzing Andrew Jacksons Policies and Presidency
Andrew Jacksons Policies and Presidency Andrew Jackson was the seventh president, serving from 1829-1837. Nicknamed Old Hickory, he left an indelible imprint on the nation that extends beyond his face adorning the twenty dollar bill. Jackson split the preexisting Republican Party into the Whig and Democratic Parties, establishing the dual-party structure that exists today. He was the first president who came from a rural, deep Southern background (he was born in the rustic woods of South Carolina) and his impoverished country upbringing informed his presidential policies. As someone who also captained the premier national political position, Jackson is responsible for bringing the experience and voice of the common man to the federal government. This essay will explore three of the most salient aspects of Jacksons presidency: the Nullification Crisis of 1832, the National Bank episode of 1833-34, and the treatment of American Indians and slaves. At the time of Jacksons election, there existed a protective tariff that aided big businesses and domestic transportation initiatives. However, the tariff was met unfavorably by the South, which felt that the tariffs ultimate purpose was to strengthen the industrial north at the expense of the agrarian south. Jacksons vice president, John Calhoun, campaigned on behalf of the South and attempted to nullify the tariff law within the South Carolina state borders. His premise was based on a provision settled in 1798 declaringShow MoreRelated The Key Differences between Whigs and Democrats? Essay1403 Words  | 6 PagesStates of America were the Democratic Party, organized by Andrew Jackson, and the Whig Party, assembled by Henry Clay from the National Republicans and in opposition to Andrew Jackson. There were no sectional differences between the Democratic Party and the Whig Party, but there were some cultural differences. Whig party operated from the early 1830s to the mid-1850s. The Whigs approved the authority and the power of the Congress over the presidency, favored a program of economic protectionism and modernization;Read MoreThe Role Of Independent Agencies And The White House Staff Essay1900 Words  | 8 PagesThe modern American presidency is defined as the presidency’s transition to the center of American governance. Distinct from typically passive and isolated presidencies during the 18th and 19th centuries, the modern American presidency of the mid-20th century set the use of power and popularity as precedence. The transition to the modern presidency can be understood through the development of the presidency’s institutional, international, and perceptual identity. In this essay, I will argue thatRead MoreEssay on Andrew Jackson and the Bank War240 6 Words  | 10 PagesThe validity of President Andrew Jacksons response to the Bank War issue has been contradicted by many, but his reasoning was supported by fact and inevitably beneficial to the country. Jacksons primary involvement with the Second Bank of the United States arose during the suggested governmental re-chartering of the institution. It was during this period that the necessity and value of the Banks services were questioned. The United States government in 1816 chartered the Second Bank of theRead More Andrew Jackson and the Bank War Essay2330 Words  | 10 Pages The validity of President Andrew Jackson’s response to the Bank War issue has been contradicted by many, but his reasoning was supported by fact and inevitably beneficial to the country. Jackson’s primary involvement with the Second Bank of the United States arose during the suggested governmental re-chartering of the institution. It was during this period that the necessity and value of the Bank’s services were questioned.      The United States government in 1816 chartered the Second Bank ofRead MoreA SELECTION OF PAST AP U.S. FREE RESPONSE QUESTIONS:3529 Words  | 15 Pageswith the settling of British North America than did religious concerns. Assess the validity of this statement with specific reference to economic and religious concerns. (90) 5. For the period before 1750, analyze the ways in which Britains policy of salutary neglect influenced the development of American society as illustrated in the following: Legislative assemblies Commerce Religion (95) 6. Analyze the extent to which religious freedom existed in the British North American coloniesRead MoreEssays for the American Pageant, 14th Ed.11068 Words  | 45 Pageswere sometimes halted because of concerns by English banks and merchants. The colonists often resented these intrusions by British authorities and the resulting limitations on economic opportunities. Despite the existence of the mercantilist policies, relations between Britain and its North American colonies were relatively good through most of the 1600s and 1700s. Partly this was because the Navigation Acts were not well enforced during the period of â€Å"salutary neglect†and the colonial economiesRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words  | 922 Pagesstarting point for getting to grips with the field of organization theory. Dr Martin Brigham, Lancaster University, UK McAuley et al. provide a highly readable account of ideas, perspectives and practices of organization. By thoroughly explaining, analyzing and exploring organization theory the book increases the understanding of a field that in recent years has become ever more fragmented. Organization theory is central to managing, organizing and reflecting on both formal and informal structures,
Performance Appraisal Interview Free Essays
Conducting the Performance Appraisal Interview The performance Appraisal interview offers an opportunity to discuss and compare perceptions of an employee’s job performance. Through open communication a supervisory and employee can assess job performance, measure actual result against expected results and plan for the future. The interview should not be used as a vehicle to bombard the employee or the supervisor with criticism, failures, faults, and / or errors. We will write a custom essay sample on Performance Appraisal Interview or any similar topic only for you Order Now a) Opening the interview: The climate of the interview is essential to its outcome. The supervisor should set a tone for the interview that exhibits openness and support. Once this tone has been set, an employee will be more likely to share assessments of his or her performance, discuss strengths and weaknesses and commit to the development plans that are set in the interview. To set the tone, a supervisor should: 1. Review the purpose of the meeting. Clarify any questions the employee has and reaffirm that the interview serves to promote employee development through identifying job responsibilities, reviewing performance roles, Overall rating of performance and preparing a plan for improved or enhanced performance. 2. Regard the employee as an individual. Special concerns should be given to the employee’s communication style, new assignments, increased job responsibilities and performance standards. These considerations should guide the supervisor as he/she deals with the employee. b) Discussing performance. The second component of a performance interview is the actual discussion of an employee’s job performance. Recommendations for an effective discussion include: 1. Come prepared. Both the Supervisor should prepare objectives ahead of time and time and be able to cite specific example support observations and recommendations. . The employee should present his / her self – assessment first. The employee’s objectives are to present information regarding his or her job performance, pointing out strengths, and seeking assistance in areas where problems exist. This promotes openness and provides insight on how the employee view his or her responsibilities and performance 3. The supervisor should present his or her assessment of the employee performance after hearing the employee’s assessment. Areas of agreements should be discussed first, followed by areas of disagreement. Finally, any pertinent topics that were not brought up by the employee should be mentioned. The supervisor’s objective is to help the employee improve performance or develop skills to become a more productive employee. 4. Communication should be two – way. A dialogue should occur between the employee and the supervisor, with neither participant dominating the discussion. 5. Seek agreement on each point. If opinions differ when discussing individual responsibilities, performance roles or ratings, both the employee and the supervisor should express their ideas. Again, focus on behaviors relevant to performance. 6. Setting Training and development goals. Employee should be prepared to state his or her future plans for development. Discuss these plans realistically and set up appropriate goals and time tables. Supervisors should feel comfortable adding or suggesting development goals with the approval of the employee C) Closing the Interview. An important aspect of the entire process is how the interview ends. The following actions should be included in the closing portion of the interview. Summarize what has been discussed and agreed upon, making sure of consensus on all – important points. Do this positively and enthusiastically. †¢ Give the employee an invitation to react, question and share additional ideas and suggestions. †¢ Make arrangements to follow upon specific points if needed †¢ Set a date for the next performance review session. ( -Semi annual or quarterly ) †¢ Thank Each other for the time and energy that went into the review and end the interview on a positive or encouraging note. †¢ Complete disseminate the Appraisal Form as earlier. Avoid these Mistakes when Completing a Performance Appraisal 1. Recency Too much focus on the most recent examples of behavior rather than considering overall performance. This can occur because of inadequate record keeping. 2. Central Tendency Managers tend to rate every one about the same, or ate last, they avoid extreme ratings. The reviewer should use the ends of the scale as well as the middle. 3. Leniency Managers shun low rating to avoid conflict or because they believe that low ratings reflect badly on the reviewer. This can happen when the reviewer is rushed or under pressure to complete the Appraisal 4. Horns / Hallow Effect A tendency to rate the same individual â€Å"Excellent†on every trait or â€Å"Unsatisfactory†on every trait. This may happen when the supervisor feels that the employee has some shortcomings and then rates them poorly on everything as a result (or conversely rates too high on everything based upon a few high ratings). 5. Constancy Some Managers rate their employees in rank – order rather than on an individual basis and adjust scores to match the ranking order. . Similarity A tendency to rate employees, who have similar values and interest to the reviewer, hire. Additional Factors Affecting Performance Appraisal Ratings: †¢ Length of service and the â€Å"compliancy†of the person being rated can affect ratings significantly. †¢ Previous review ratings influence current reviews, whether the current manager or a former one did the pre vious review. †¢ Supervisors â€Å"guess†when they aren’t sure or don’t have a lot of experience with a given employees behavior. How to cite Performance Appraisal Interview, Papers
Booking Decisions Have Lost Significance †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Explain On Booking Decisions Have Lost Significance? Answer: Introducation As stated by Flanagin et al., (2014), star rating has created the situation where the consumer can review a product or service before they actually purchase it. The concept that one has to purchase and use a particular thing before they can actually review it has lost and all that matters is the review on the particular product. The influence of customer rating has increased to a large extent in the purchasing decision. The higher stars ratings lead to more orders while lower star ratings will lead decrease the orders for no doubt. The aim of this essay is to develop an argument on how important is the star rating when it comes to purchasing decision. The websites like the has increased the influence of the star rating and made it almost mandatory for the consumers to go through the star ratings before they make their final purchasing decision. Originally created star ratings of hotels meant the level of luxury that the particular hotel provided. The Five Stars indicated the most luxurious hotel compared to the lower star ratings. This definitely indicates the quality of service and the expected experience of a person while staying in that hotel (Holleschovsky Constantinides, 2016). These ratings were determined by the professional experts dealing with hospitality and tourism activities or by the authorities of the hotel itself. However, the rating definition has changed and the consumers have got the authority to rate the hotels based on their individual experiences. If the reliability of the star rating as considered, Mudambi, Schuff and Zhang, (2014,) revealed that one cannot blindly trust on the ratings as showed in the because it has definitely failed many times in providing the actual information to the consumers. The reviews that are posted in the site are very subjective to the particular reviewer (Park Nicolau, 2015). It is full of refinements and portrays individual experiences that are sure to vary from one person to the other. In a personal blog, it has been found that a blogger faced problem in Istanbul when she was misguided by the five stars rating of a hotel that ultimately turned out to be a bad experience for her in reality (, 2013). There are definitely many such cases when the consumers have been misguided and ultimately they had to suffer. When it comes to the ratings made by the consumers on a particular hotel, place, product or services, there are certain speculations made behind the reason of rating. As revealed by Flanagin et al., (2014), it has been evident that the products that have high ratings have higher reviews as well. The proposed idea behind this is that the particular product is genuinely good and any person who gets acquainted with that product tells something good about it. This automatically creates an image when any visitors of that particular site can easily be manipulated considering the higher rating of the particular hotel (, 2013). On the other hand, low rating definitely lowers the expectation of the consumer and will definitely create a negative impact on the consumers. Every internet user has got the opportunity to show their contribution in rating a particular business or brand and at the same time to share their experience with others. The reviews can be speculative in nature and anyone can visit the website of a hotel and can make speculative comments over there that could hamper the image of the hotel without any doubt (, 2013). This is the reason that the marketing process has become very challenging for those who are in the Hotel business because checking these hotel booking sites is the primary thing that the consumers do in recent time. There have been many ways to increase the ratings of a particular business. As Google is the most used search engine, it has to perform certain responsibilities towards the misinterpretation of star ratings (Park Nicolau, 2015). Recently, Google has taken a step further where the consumers can get a glace of the organisations with five star ratings and so the concept, Get Your Five Stars noticed easily. This would automatically create a potential impact on the visitors of the particular site (Liu Park, 2015). However, there have been certain changes in determining the star ratings by Google, the search is easily optimised by the number of stars that the particular business has. However, in order to show that there is significant need of reviews as well. Unless, a particular business gets good numbers of reviews from the consumers, it will not be shown in the search history because a single five star rating cannot decide the good or bad of the particular business (Taylor Aday, 2016 ). This is a good step taken by the search giant because this way, the reviews can be considered authentic and the viewers can easily rely on the same. There is no doubt that the traditional rating system has changed and many hotels are using the medium of star rating at Tripadvisor as a means of promotion of their business. This has been successful as well because it is easier for the consumers to check the ratings and make decisions accordingly. Moreover, the reviews also portray personal opinion that one can relate with. This is the reason that the hotels are changing their marketing strategies and are focusing on showing their five stars rating over the hotel booking sites like TripAdvisor. By the end of the discussion, it has to be said that no checks are made on the reviews and this can seriously lead to misguide the viewers of the ratings. In order to improve the same, the marketing team of the hotels need to be active on the social networking sites and they need to clear out any kind of misinterpretation or speculations if made against their business. Apart from this, being active over the other social media like Facebook an d Twitter can also help the hotels to carry on their marketing and promotional activities in a better way. References: Flanagin, A. J., Metzger, M. J., Pure, R., Markov, A., Hartsell, E. (2014). Mitigating risk in ecommerce transactions: perceptions of information credibility and the role of user-generated ratings in product quality and purchase intention.Electronic Commerce Research,14(1), 1-23. Holleschovsky, N. I., Constantinides, E. (2016). Impact of online product reviews on purchasing decisions. Liu, Z., Park, S. (2015). What makes a useful online review? Implication for travel product websites.Tourism Management,47, 140-151. Mudambi, S. M., Schuff, D., Zhang, Z. (2014, January). Why aren't the stars aligned? An analysis of online review content and star ratings. InSystem Sciences (HICSS), 2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on(pp. 3139-3147). IEEE. Park, S., Nicolau, J. L. (2015). Asymmetric effects of online consumer reviews.Annals of Tourism Research,50, 67-83. Taylor, D. C., Aday, J. B. (2016). Consumer generated restaurant ratings: A preliminary look at OpenTable. com.Journal of New Business Ideas and Trends,14(1), 14-23. (2013) Tripadvisor reviews: can we trust them? Retrieved from: [Accessed on: 10-8-2017] (2013) TripAdvisor restaurant reviews: how much can you trust them? Retrieved from: [Accessed on: 10-8-2017]
Sunday, May 3, 2020
The Use of Pink and Purple to Market to Girls free essay sample
Why Pink? In a survey, the correlation of pink with femininity by both male and female respondents was over 76% (Koller 404). What about the color Purple? Purple is a color associated with feminism because of such works as The Color Purple (1982) and the Woman’s Suffrage movement. Because of these color associations with the female gender, toy manufactures have created and boxed their products in all shades of pink and purple. One can see this marketing trend at their local Toys R Us store. By contrasting several toys for various age groups, we will see that pink and purple predominate in the marketing of our young female children. When discussing the toys chosen for comparison, the following age groups are used: Early Elementary (5- to 7-year-olds), Tween (8- to 11-year-olds), and Early Teen (12- to 14-year-olds). For comparison purposes, I randomly picked four toys per age group from my local Toys R Us. We will write a custom essay sample on The Use of Pink and Purple to Market to Girls or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The toys chosen for the Early Elementary group are the Friends Olivia’s House by LEGO, the Totally Me! Make Your Own Greeting Cards by Toys R Us, the Strawberry Shortcake Berry Best Collection Doll Set by Hasbro, and the Dream Dazzlers Dress Up Trunk by Toys R Us. The Friends House, with its hues of pink and purple, targets females with its five cartoon girls having fun together on the box. The Make Your Own’s box has a picture of a real girl showing off her greeting cards amid a background of pink and purple. The Strawberry Shortcake box is the odd ball of the group with its bright yellow box, but the background behind the clear view of the five female dolls is still a bright pink. The Dream Dazzlers box has a picture of six young girls all dressed up in the box’s contents and is the typical pink and purple we have come to expect. The toys chosen for the Tween group are the Tapeffiti 30-Piece Caddy by Fashion Angels, the Blingles Bling Studio by Moose Toys, the Project Runway Fashion Design Sketch Portfolio by Fashion Angels, and the Happy Handle Stamp Set by Melissa Doug. With its use of various shades of pink and purple, the Tapeffiti is a prime choice for girls. The Bling Studio itself is a purple and pink toy contained within a purple, pink, and black box showing the sparkly beads Tweens love. The Sketch Portfolio targets girls with its picture of four young, fashionable females sketched on the cover of black trimmed with blue and a pink stencil. The Stamp Set, while not specifically targeting girls, does have designs that would cause it to lean towards femininityâ€â€a smiley face, a flower, a paw print, a heart, a butterfly, and lips. The toys chosen for the Early Teen group are the 24-inch Love Bike by Toys R Us, the Monster High: Ghoul Spirit for Nintendo DS by THQ, the RipStik Caster Board by Razor, and the Justin Bieber ‘Justin’s World’ Comforter Sham Set by Sandra Home Fashion. The Love Bike contains contrasting colors of black and white with pops of neon purple and pink that makes it gender-specific. The Monster High game has an image of three girls on the cover that contains a large pink coffin that screams girls, girls, girls buy me! The RipStik Caster Board comes in five different colors (red, pink, blue, sliver, and black) that make this gender-neutral. The Comforter Sham Set is various shades of pink and purple trimmed in white and a large life-like picture of Justin Bieber on it specifically meant for the thousands of girls that long to be his girlfriend. Most of our toys were gender-specific towards girls and used predominately pink and purple for the toy and/or the toy’s packaging. Two of our toys are gender-neutralâ€â€the RipStik Castor Board and the Happy Handle Stamp as they use those bold and darker colors typically associated with boy toys (Auster and Mansbach 377). Two of our toys predominately used colors other than pink or purple to market their productsâ€â€the Strawberry Shortcake (yellow) and the Sketch Portfolio (black and light blue). One can see that a trip down any isle of girl toys at our local Toys R Us will bombard us in an easily recognized wall of pink and purple that is a shrine for girls and a repellant for boys (Seiter 236).
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